  • 7 October 2022

CLARIAH Tutorial: GrETEL Query Engine

CLARIAH is organizing an online tutorial in which participants can learn how to search for grammatical constructions of the Dutch language using query engine GrETEL.

Date and time

Friday 7 October, 14:00 - 17:00



During the tutorial you will learn how to search for grammatical constructions in Dutch using GrETEL (Greedy Extraction of Trees for Empirical Linguistics). Furthermore, you will learn how to further alay the results found using the analysis component of GrETEL. The tutorial consists of a number of short presentations with explanations, followed by the opportunity to work with GrETEL yourself using supplied exercises. A team of experts will be available to guide participants.

Attendance is free, but registration for the tutorial is mandatory. To join the tutorial, sign up using the link below.