  • 15 September 2022

CLARIN Café: Online and Desktop Tools for Querying a Language Corpus

The CLARIN Café is an informal and interactive space where researchers, lecturers, students and experts meet. The upcoming the central topic will be online and desktop tools for querying a language corpus.

Date and time

15 September 2022, from 14:00 until 16:15



Text and corpus analysis lie at the heart of digital scholarship in the humanities and social sciences, and are supported by software tools which are vital to research, teaching and learning. One of the difficulties for users of these tools is the sheer range and variety of them. This café will present tips on how to find, select and use these tools.

This café will be held on 15 September 2022 from 14:00 to 16:15. This edition of the CLARIN Café is organised by Martin Wynne, Senior Researcher in Corpus Linguistics and National Coordinator for CLARIN-UK.

For more information and to register for this CLARIN Café, please use the button below.