  • 14 December 2022

CLARIAH Call for Heritage Data research projects 2023 TEST

As announced at the CLARIAH & NDE Annual Conference, CLARIAH opens a call for research projects using data from Dutch heritage institutions. The call aims to provide access for researchers to new data and gives heritage institutions the opportunity have their data developed and disseminated.

The CLARIAH-PLUS project develops the Dutch research infrastructure for the humanities, as part of the European CLARIN and DARIAH research infrastructures. The CLARIAH infrastructure consists of a large variety of tools, services and datasets: generic infrastructure services (a.o. login, workspace), structured data, textual and audio-visual collections, and software applications and services that can be applied to these collections (a.o. search, analysis, annotation, enrichment, conversion, and visualisation). The infrastructure is rooted in a wide range of humanities disciplines, including linguistics, social economic history, media studies, literary studies, religious studies, philosophy and cultural history. Over the coming years, these resources will (also) be made accessible through the user portal, which facilitates comprehensive searching, selecting and support for their use.

This year, in line with the 'Heritage meets Digital Humanities' theme of the CLARIAH & NDE Annual Conference 2022, the call focuses on data from institutions in the heritage field. All research output and datasets will be made available through the CLARIAH-infrastructure and