  • 25 May 2023

Pitch your ideas for the TDCC-SSH bottleneck projects

The Thematic DCC Social Sciences & Humanities (TDCC-SSH) is welcoming professional research support staff, research service providers, and researchers to provide ideas and input for their first ‘bottleneck’ projects. 

The TDCC-SSH Team recently began starting up the TDCC-SSH and are now busy setting up their governance structure, connecting to the Dutch research data landscape, and gathering first ideas for projects. Over the next 5 years, they will offer several rounds of funding for collaborative projects to improve discipline-specific challenges with FAIR data & software within SSH.

The activity clusters for which there can be bottleneck projects to improve the Dutch SSH data landscape include: FAIRification of data and softwareRaising awarenessKnowledge enhancement and Addressing pressing issues.

Bottleneck project ideas can be submitted until Monday 5 June. More information can be found using the button below.