  • 20 Februari 2025

FAIRfest: Celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in EOSC

FAIR-IMPACT and FAIRCORE4EOSC partners are glad to invite the broad European research community to FAIRfest, a festival celebrating advancements of FAIR solutions in the European Open Science research landscape.

The Festival will take place on the 20th and 21st of February 2025 in The Hague, The Netherlands.
The event is tied up with the 19th edition of the International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC25), and will be an opportunity for the European community to meet with the IDCC international audience to learn and debate around the latest achievements around:

F for Findability: Persistent Identifiers & Knowledge Graphs

A for Accessibility: Semantic Artefacts

I for Interoperability: from the technical to legal interoperability

R for Reusability: Certification, metrics & guidelines for FAIR data and software

Target audience: Researchers and data practitioners, data stewards, data service providers and repository managers, research performing organisation staff, open science national level initiatives, and representatives of projects, initiatives, and actors in both EOSC and FAIR ecosystems.

Venue: Madurodam, George Maduroplein 1, 2584 RZ The Hague, The Netherlands.