  • 14 Oktober 2021

CLARIAH welcomes 15 new fellows

The CLARIAH Fellowship Call 2021 has granted fellowships to 15 applications. They consist of 8 research fellowships and 7 teaching fellowships, divided amongst the domains of Linguistics, Media Studies and Socio-economic History.

"Die Armensuppe", Albert Anker (1893)

The purpose of the CLARIAH Fellowships is twofold. On the one hand, to encourage the use of digital tools, data sets and infrastructure that have already been developed. On the other hand, through this use, concrete experiences within research and education can be collected. With these the digital resources, the supporting material and the way CLARIAH offers them can be improved.

Research fellows

  • Automatic CHAT Annotation – a feasibility study; Prof. dr. Frank Wijnen
  • Death, Disease and Data: Enriching Amsterdam’s civil certificates with cause-of-death and Linked Open Data, 1854-1926; Dr. Tim Riswick & Dr. Sanne Muurling
  • Image recognition in pre-modern, popular print collections; Dr. Jeroen Salman
  • Keeping up with HET KLOKHUIS: Trends and Transitions in KidsTV; Dr. Marijke de Valck
  • Patterns in Translation: Using Colibri Core for the Syriac Bible; Prof. dr. Wido van Peursen & Mathias Coeckelbergs
  • FAIR Data for Historical Games; Mr. Carlos Utrilla Guerrero
  • Speech intelligibility of atypical speech - The contribution of ASR and acoustic phonetic features; Dr. Helmer Strik
  • Women of Colour and their Environment. Linking data on Paramaribo (1846); Dr. Thunnis van Oort

In the research fellowships, the researchers carry out a small project based on an explicit research question using existing CLARIAH data and/or software. These research projects ultimately yield a research article, a presentation at a conference or workshop, a list of requirements concerning the resource used (such as user needs, wish list, bugs) and an online text explaining the method and approach used, aimed at a specific user group.

Teaching fellows

Connecting to the network of Digital Cultural Heritage; Dr. Karin de Wild

  • Decolonising in the Media Suite: A cross-media analysis of race-related topics in Dutch media; Dr. Asli Ozgen-Tuncer
  • Making Multimodal Storytelling Experiences with Cultural Heritage Materials in the International Classroom; Dr. Berber Hagedoorn
  • Problem-Based Learning as a Model for Teaching Visual and Archival Literacy: The Archival Turn’s Pedagogical Turn’s Critical Turn; Dr. Sanne Koevoets
  • Teaching Rich Archival and Curational Explorations in CLARIAH’s Media Suite; Prof. dr. Susan Aasman
  • The Discovery and Evaluation of Serendipitous Information Encountering in CLARIAH’s Media Suite; Dr. Sabrina Sauer
  • Web-based training for ELAN; Dr. Beyza Sumer

In the teaching fellowships, a teacher at a Dutch university uses CLARIAH data and/or software in a bachelor's, master's or research master's course for a specific category of students. For example, a group with similar background knowledge. The educational projects will ultimately produce educational materials and a video lecture that can be offered in the CLARIAH resource portal 'Ineo', a list of requirements (such as user needs, wish list, bugs) and a blog post about how the students experienced the project. The educational material consists of a detailed and illustrated set of user guides with, where possible, additional materials such as practise and training files.

Presentations and updates of all fellowships projects will be made available through the CLARIAH Projects overview page.