Death, Disease and Data

The Death, Disease and Data project aims to enrich our causes-of-death registrations with information from Amsterdam's civil certificates as well as additional information available as Linked Open Data.

Principal investigator
  • Sanne Muurling
Resource types
  • Tools
Picture of the Oudezijds Achterburgwal in Amsterdam at the end of the 19th century by George Hendrik Breitner

Who died from the contagious diseases roaming the city of Amsterdam between 1854 and 1926? To be able to answer this question, indices of the cause-of-death registers and civil registry of Amsterdam need to be matched.

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Fellowship kick-off presentation by Sanne Muurling

To this purpose, the CLARIAH Infrastructure is used, specifically the DataLegend tool suite, to publish these certificates as Linked Data, and BurgerLinker to link information on persons in these sources. We thus (1) enrich information on mortality in Amsterdam and (2) combine it with other information already available in Open Link Data Format. These enhanced data allow us to answer our research questions, providing a better understanding of infectious diseases in different contexts in time and space. We offer the new civil register data to CLARIAH and, in the process of creating it, we will provide extensive feedback on the tools and help enhance their documentation.

Current developments

Project info


Sanne Muurling
Sanne Muurling

Assistent professor, Radboud Universiteit

Tim Riswick
Tim Riswick

Assistent professor, Radboud Universiteit

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