Sofia Collette Ehrich

Sofia Collette Ehrich

Lecturer VU University, Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam • Project Coordinator SSHOC-NL CLARIAH, SSHOC-NL

  • Olfactory Heritage
  • Digital Humanities

Sofia Collette Ehrich is an art historian, academic researcher, podcast host, and curator of multisensory experiences. From 2021 to 2023, Ehrich was a researcher within Odeuropa, a European-funded project dedicated to olfactory heritage. Within the project, she researched approaches, challenges, and limitations to olfactory storytelling within cultural heritage institutions. She collaborated with various museums, perfumers, and researchers to orchestrate various olfactory projects and train them to use olfactory storytelling. She also led the organization, production, and sensory curation of five public-facing olfactory events for Odeuropa, as well as led the development of the Olfactory Storytelling Toolkit: A ‘How-To’ Guide for Working with Smells in Museums and Heritage Institutions, which is an open-access resource that provides a starting point for museum and cultural heritage professionals to use smell as a storytelling technique in their curatorial practice. She also taught the course Knowing by Sensing at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam.

Within Clariah, Ehrich is the project coordinator for the Clariah side of the SSHOC-NL.